Sunday, November 14, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Unexpectedly, I was at once relieved and saddened to find that the many items they had hoarded and refurbished over the past 20 years in the US had been thrown away in the move. And as we snaked through the various show floors in search of a second set of couches for an upstairs seating area, I felt an uneasiness welling up with each but cursory glance my Mom gave to the price tag of something that caught her fancy.
A few weeks ago, I bought myself a nice Marc Jacobs purse. In all fairness, I don't shop often, and when I do, it's usually one or two items on sale (like the purse). Buying stuff isn't usually top of mind for me. I wear items that last and clean out my closet regularly for Goodwill.
And, so, I justify nicer purchases as occasional investments that will be used until their dying day--just like my old phone whose screen was cracked and crumbling, and was only thrown out when it finally refused to wake up one balmy summer morning..just like Carl, my 1991 Toyota Cressida who spun out on the highway, hit a side railing causing engine damage, and eventually decelerated into an eerie silence off the shoulder of the 60 East.
All this writing, even now, is a shame-based attempt to convince myself that I haven't sold out to a level of comfort that is unnecessary but permissible by the world's standards--not completely, wholly, or easily. Part of me is still putting up a fight. In all honesty, the most freedom I've felt in recent years came with the selling/giving away of my few belongings before heading out to China to teach for three months. There I lived in the girls dorm with communal showers, out of just one suitcase with two pairs of jeans and my Chicago sweats. It was plain, austere living among others doing the same, and I haven't since then felt that I needed anything more.
But I have so much, I realize. Coming home to the States after those three months, I eagerly clicked through Craigslist listings for single room rentals. Pack light and be ready to go. Perhaps sensing this and worried about my inability to settle down, my parents asked me to find some cheap real estate as an investment. It only made sense in a buyer's market, they said. And, so I did, and furnished the empty space with well-loved items with character from thrift stores and a couch I rather like purchased with a glut of amassed credit card points. I somewhat took pride in the final product that cost little, but was still very much more than what I've needed or wanted.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
My camera battery is dead.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Meg's Wedding - Before (The Poconos, PA; 06/2010)
I'm having some trouble pulling together all the wedding pictures into an engaging visual narrative.
It's difficult because I realize that, more often than not, I don't treat picture-taking as a journalistic endeavor. Usually, something just catches my attention and I'm soon fixated and snapping away in an attempt to capture it. This produces a lot of random images of many random things that don't always tell a story. The lighting in each photo is different, as are the composition and the subjects. All that said, it's been taking a little extra long time tweaking with Gimp (long live open source!) to pull together a visually cohesive story with what I got over the weekend.
I like to blame this a few things:
1) the aforementioned obsession with taking lots and lots pictures of many random things
2) technical shortcomings, like my non-SLR lens that isn't always able to capture moments fast enough, depending on the lighting (a poor excuse that's quite possibly an attempt at justifying the purchase of a new camera)
3) my actual participation IN the wedding, which kept me from really taking on the role of a good historian
In any case, it was a beautiful wedding with beautiful people nestled in the beautiful Poconos mountains.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Community (Yosemite National Park - 05/2010)
Times like these, I wish I had a real copy of Photoshop.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tumen 5 - No Vons (Tumen, China; 11/2008)
It wasn't so much the eating and shopping that I enjoyed--I kind of just liked getting lost in a landscape that was so different from the sea of Del Tacos and supermarket chains in the LA burbs.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Tumen 4 - Broken Bridges (Tumen, China; 10/2008)
The broken bridge along the Tumen River was never reconstructed, for obvious reasons, and remains unusable to this day. The funny thing is that you really don't need it to get to the other side (or for the other-siders to come across to China)--the river is narrow and shallow and it freezes over during the winter. Today, it's just this odd artifact of Chinese / Japanese / NK history that serves no practical purpose. There hasn't been an effort to clean up the debris and the fallen parts. It's just...kinda there.
I feel like those in the area (at least the older Chinese) passively acknowledge it as part of a past reality that they can still recall. And I feel like they look upon the first-world expats and tourists who come to seek it out so eagerly (cameras in tow) with some degree of mirth and judging bemusement.
Tumen 3 - Nothing for Kids (Tumen, China; 10/2008)
There were a few businesses that catered to more affluent local youth however. The kids whose parents sent money home oftentimes spent it playing Starcraft at 24-hour internet pubs or drinking at the bars against school rules. The kids with no money worked for their tuition by cleaning the squatters in the dorms and mopping the floors.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tumen 2 - Students (Tumen, China; 10/2008)
Tumen 1 - Landscape (Tumen, China; 10/2008)
Friday, April 2, 2010
Please enjoy this picture of my sister eating a burrito while I try to recover it.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I like good kids. (Seattle, WA; 4/2009)
It's strange how you feel like a different person with different people. I think I like myself better around them--I'm who I fancy myself to be on the best of good days. It helped that the kids were so endearing and joyful and that the parents were so admirable in many ways. It helped, too, that they reminded me that I'm not always tired and sarcastic.
There's life outside of marketing.
Hi, Zachary!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
More lighting fixtures. (Barcelona, Spain; 2/2009)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Shop at night. (Barcelona, Spain; 2/2009)
Not sure if I thought anything more about this moment other than that it was really beautiful.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I Heart Gaudi (and Jesus). (Barcelona, Spain; 2/2009)
I made two trips and I spent much of my time examining Gospel vignettes and admiring the shadows cast by construction scaffolding that decked the unfinished exterior.